Friday, June 24, 2011

Dancing in the Dark To the Magic in the Night

A roller coaster ride, a series of highs and lows, of peaks and valleys.  Some people see life like this.

Personally, I have another view. To me, life is about experiencing the blending of light and darkness, of sunbeams and shadows.

I will explain this concept as it applies to the "Law of Reflection" in future posts; for now I’d like to share a specific example of this perspective.

My Birthday week glowed with celebrations, bringing me great joy and much light. I was deeply touched by the warm wishes sent from friends and family.  The candles on my cake shined so brightly they could illuminate New York City in a blackout!

This beautiful brightness lasted only three days, and was followed by extreme darkness.  It was not the slow dimming of a candle, burning to the end of its wick. Instead, it was sudden and shocking, like the unexpected flip of a light switch.  This blackout did not come as a traditional power outage.  No outlet was overloaded causing an electrical surge.  No windstorm knocked down power lines. Instead, the lights went out instantly with the passing of music legend Clarence Clemons.

Thousands of touching tributes have been made to the Big Man.  As for me, I will always remember the playful glimmer in his eye and the glow of his smile when he stepped on stage.  The happiness in his heart was expressed through the music of his saxophone.  I’ve played “Jungleland” in Clarence’s honor countless times
this week, and I will forever be “Blinded By The Light” of the gifts he leaves behind.

Life is about perceiving both the light and the dark.  Seeing their interplay and listening to their harmony. The key is to turn up the music, sing the song in your heart, and dance it out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

From Small Things, Big Things Come.

I can not recall exactly when the conception took place, but do know it was many, many moons ago. 

It began as a small seed of thought, planted in the recesses of my soul.  With some tending and nurturing, it sprouted.  The idea grew stronger and eventually took on a life of its own. 

After an extended gestation period, and much anticipation, it is time to give birth. 

With an open and grateful heart, under a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and on MY very own Birthday, I introduce you to my baby, a newly created blog entitled:

“The Law of Reflection” 

Please follow my blog to experience the "Law of Reflection," the term I have coined to describe a powerful personal philosophy.  Learn how this perspective has positively impacted me, and ways it may empower and enhance your life, as well.

Happy Birthday to me! Have a glass of champagne and celebrate!

Creative Commons License
The Law of Reflection by Lori Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at